Tuesday, 10 April 2012

  1. Eyes are the light of the body
For good eye sight: -

(1).   juice of onion- 1\2tspoon; 
pure honey- 10 gms; 
Mix it well and add  Bhim sen karpur 2grms. Take a clean dried glass of small bottle and store the juice in it. At night before going to sleep put this mixer to eyes like kajal.

(2). Early in the morning, when you get-up from the bed, take your spit in your palm and nicely rub with two hands, until palms get warm and put your palms on your eyes for few minutes, after that open your eyes slowly.

             Within one month you can find your sight is improved.
               No harm.Try and get your vision well.


  1. Now i did not that creative good use of spit...oh how much spit i wasted as a child;-)Thanks.
